
As some of you are reading this, you are probably wearing glasses. Or perhaps contact lenses? The fact is that as we age, our eyes become weaker and many people need a simple visual aid to be able to continue reading without problems. Good vision also improves quality of life and protects against the risk of falling.
We also look after older inmates in prisons. So it almost went without saying that we offered them reading glasses, which are already available in almost every supermarket in Germany. But buying these simple visual aids was not enough. A long and tough battle began. Initially, all prisoners who thought they could no longer see properly had to be tested. It took almost two years before this examination was carried out by an ophthalmologist or optician. We asked again and again and were finally successful.
In the end, we received a list with the names of the visually impaired senior citizens. In fact, it was only simple reading glasses that were needed. They ranged from 1.25 to 3.75 diopters. 96 pairs of glasses could now be handed out. We will not soon forget the shining eyes and smiling faces of the recipients.