Due to the Corona Pandemic, prisons in Uganda have been almost hermetically sealed off since March this year. The prisoners lack the visitors and what they can bring with them enormously. So, we have been busy all year to fill these big gaps and alleviate the most bitter hardship.
We sent encouraging letters to the prisons we looked after, providing all prisoners with books, teaching materials, sports, and hygiene articles.
At Christmas we had the vision to pack a small, personal gift for all prisoners. We opted for soap, toothpaste with – brush, washing powder, tea, cookies, effervescent powder, and a small Christmas card with Bible verse. Everything had to be contained in a transparent, thin plastic bag because of the entrance controls.
We asked the current number of inmates of “our” prisons and came to 10 063! It took a strong faith and unwavering faith in a great God to realize this version with a small team and limited budget. And what are we to say? It’s done! Many readers of our bush drum and supporters of our service made sure with prayer and donations that this version became love in action.
For weeks, our house looked like a warehouse, 100 hours of packing work were calculated, and it was a great challenge to pack the parcels with equal strength and finally deliver them safely.
Everything went well, even on the long distances. No “flying trucks” or other dangers and disturbances could be overcome. After all the work, we are exhausted but infinitely happy and give all glory to God!
The recipients of the gifts of love are infinitely grateful, to everything we could also supply plenty of bags of sugar and rice, as well as boxes with bar soap. All prison staff received cakes and lemonade from us for the festive season.
We are still getting thanks from the prisoners, the prison managers and social workers. We would like to pass on this thanks to all supporters!
God bless you and prepare for a beautiful Christmas!